Recycled mulch must not contain asbestos or any material likely to cause pollution. The EPA regularly audits producers and suppliers of recycled mulch and has a zero-tolerance approach to the presence of asbestos.
The EPA conducts regular compliance audits and campaigns, which can include unannounced inspections of resource recovery facilities.ÌýBusinesses and individuals that allow any asbestos waste to be reused or recycled face significant penalties and can be fined up to $2 million.
To mitigate health risks, the EPA has issued a Clean Up Notice to Transport for NSW for the removal of all mulch in the Rozelle Parklands and surrounds by 29 February 2024. The EPA has issued a Prevention Notice to the supplier of the mulch to ensure this product cannot be on sold while the investigation is continuing.ÌýThis was followed up by the issue of a Clean-Up Notice, directing the supplier to notify all customers who received the identified mulch.
To understand the extent of the issue and protect the community, the EPA is investigating other sites that have received mulch from the same supplier.
What should a member of the public do if they believe they have received asbestos-contaminated mulch?
Members of the public and businesses who are concerned about contamination in mulch they have received or on sold should contact the EPA Environment Line on 131 555 or emailÌý
Parents and guardians who are concerned about asbestos-contaminated mulch on school sites should contact their school for further information and advice.
For more information, please visit the .