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Consistent with Master Builders warnings during the severity of the pandemic lockdowns last year, employment along with business investment is proving to be one of the stubborn indicators in showing recovery.听

In our industry jobs remain down across the country except in South Australia compared to March 2020. However, things are definitely improving with 110,000 construction jobs added since the New Year.

Increase in jobs

Chnages in construction jobs

Relative to other industries our industry is the 5th hardest hit when it comes to jobs, well behind the devastated hospitality and tourism sectors.听

Change in jobs and wages

Federal Budget Advocacy听

While the it is clear that the economy is rebounding from the profound Covid related shocks of 2020, the completion of economic recovery clearly requires a strong policy response.听

The lead up to the May Budget will be the next big set piece political occasion when we see the Federal Government announce its next round of Covid recovery measures and Master Builders Australia will be ramping up its advocacy on our Budget policy priorities from next week.听